Monday, 30 June 2008

the shoe fetish gets really silly

I have packed five pairs of shoes for my month away. Five. That is stupid.

Oddly, my backpack has still got a fair bit of room. My sleeping bag squashes to nothing (as nothing as a sleeping bag can be) and I have all the magical frugal travelling things you're meant to take, like a bit of chamois leather masquerading as a towel. I'm very fond of my car cleaning cloth, as it happens - until it starts to smell. That happens round about the ten day mark, I've found, as a result of being transported in its plastic bag home, nestled in among many other rucksacks in the belly of a dodgy bus.

Seriously, five pairs of shoes. That's not counting my beloved battered boots that I'm wearing on the plane.

On Wednesday I fly to Connecticut. Next week, we go south to Buenos Aires. The reason I have five (fine, SIX) pairs of shoes is really quite logical; the two climates will be very different.

In other shoe news: I have given myself yet another haematoma (the thing that is causing my nail to fall off), but this time, with the aid of high heels, rather than ill-fitting running shoes. That tells you all you need to know about my last few weeks in the city.

Saturday, 28 June 2008


Buried under application forms and/or being really bad at helping to organise travel stuff and a place to live next year.

Proper post tomorrow.

Monday, 23 June 2008

in actual fact

I think my future is characterised by the fact that I change my mind every minute.

Law sounds OK today.
Shut up.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

memories from the final week

Leaving the Department to drink wheat beer in a favourite bar with the boys, they take a biro and scribble out the terrifying "Referred to Faculty Board" heading with my candidate number underneath, and replace it with "First Class Honours".

Unable to stop giggling on the fairground rides in the rain at Graduate Ball, grabbing at my dress to stop my breasts from overflowing and knowing the sparkly plastic seats will bruise my ribs badly.

Dancing to live jazz in AM's front room, an evening I will hold dear forever.

Handing my handbag to TH in the middle of a country estate lawn so that I can tighten Miss McG's navy corset, again at Grad Ball, again in the rain, and smiling drunkenly as I know the three of us are finding this just a little bit thrilling.

Listening to more live jazz on the steps of the Music Department in the centre of the city, hearing friends play improvised solos for the last time.

A mark of 75 for my dissertation, with subsequent pangs of longing for an MA and PhD.

Realisation that I am in the UK for the sum total of two weeks this summer.

Many more. Very tired. Very happy.

Friday, 20 June 2008


First class degree. Bada bing.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

d day

Results today. Planning to sleep until I need to collect them.

Will get back on with all this writing stuff soon, kids. Promise.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

spain to come

The past three nights' dreams:
1: sex with psycho ex.
2: sex with a good friend.
3: being pregnant with, and giving birth to, triplets.

Food for thought? Hope not.
PS: yes, that was a shocking post, even for a filler. Apologies.

Saturday, 7 June 2008


You live, you learn.

Anyway. I am beginning the task of moving out today. Catharsis.
Considering spending the night in the country, alone, Playstation and an early morning run.

Away for a week from tomorrow. Stories, I'm sure, on my return.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

want/need #5

The only piece of jewellery I put on every day is my watch. I love it, but I don't wear it when I'm travelling for long periods abroad.

I want this to take on my travels this summer. It's totally trashy and impractical, as it's not waterproof, but I still want it.

Yes, in gold.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

things I fear I'll never grow out of

1. Writing stuff (song lyrics, Latin phrases) on the inner side of my left wrist. Especially odd when you consider visible veins aren't my favourite thing.
2. Talking to myself while I drive.
3. Blink-182.
4. Leaving important decisions until the last second.
5. My Diet Coke habit.

Monday, 2 June 2008

roll on thursday

Vaguely irritated with myself as some of my girlfriends are out tonight, celebrating the end of their exams and I am too tired to be good company. I did my three mile run at a really good pace this morning, and having done Body Pump as well tonight I'm physically pretty worn out. This is good, and I need the rest, but I still want to drink cocktails.

It's all over on Thursday. Bring it.